Jesus said that his followers should be humble. What did Jesus mean by “humble”?
‘Humble’ for modern English speakers means “having a low estimation of one’s importance” (Oxford English Dictionary). But the Greek word used in Jesus’ time, and used in our New Testaments, carried a range of meanings including gentle, kind, mild, considerate, forgiving, generous and humane. So when Jesus tells us to be humble, he is telling us to be gentle, kind, mild, considerate, forgiving, generous and humane. From now on I’ll use the word “humble” (to save time), but remember it means gentle, kind, mild, considerate, forgiving, generous and humane.
Jesus said that his followers should be humble like little children – and it’s important to remember that little children had no status or importance at all in his day. He said that his followers should be servants of each other – and most servants had little or no importance. Jesus said these things often: Matthew 18:1-5 (see also Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48), Matthew 19:13-14 (see also Mark 10:13-15; Luke 18:15-17), Matthew 20:25-28 (see also Mark 10:42-45), Matthew 23:11-12 (see also Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14).
Jesus didn’t just say that his followers should be humble. He gave himself as the example of humble service he expected his disciples to follow (Matthew 11:29; Matthew 20:25-28; Matthew 21:5; Mark 10:45; John 13:3-15). So, being humble isn’t an option for followers of Jesus, it is a core requirement. If we want to be like Jesus, we must be humble. We must commit ourselves to being humble because Jesus tells us to be humble and because he set us the example of being humble.
Jesus said that we, his followers, are all equal. “You have one teacher, and you are all brothers” (Matthew 23:8). In Jesus’ church, no-one is more important than anyone else.
Being humble isn’t the way we are encouraged to behave in 21st Century Western culture. In our culture we are encouraged to promote ourselves, be competitive, and make sure others see how clever, capable, and confident we are. These things don’t seem to have anything to do with being gentle, kind, mild, considerate, forgiving, generous and humane – and they don’t. Surely, if we are humble in our 21st Century Western culture, we will lose out. We will not be noticed. We will be overtaken by others who are bold and promote themselves loudly. How can we be humble and still get on in the world? If we are followers of Jesus, we should not be trying to get on in the world. We should be looking to serve in our loving heavenly Father’s kingdom. There is nothing to fear. Our loving heavenly Father will take care of us.
We may have the idea that someone who is humble will not be noticed. I would suggest that, in today’s culture, someone who is genuinely humble will be noticed. In fact, they will really stand out. Also, a person who is genuinely humble will be a great team player. Good bosses are always on the lookout for great team players.
How do we become more humble? If we really want to be more humble, all we need do is pray. All we need do is tell our loving Father we want to be more humble. Then we watch what happens. It probably won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Oh, and it may not be pleasant. My own experience is that our loving heavenly Father answered my prayers that I would become more humble, but the way he answered those prayers involved me learning some unwelcome truths about myself. That was not pleasant, but it was worth it. Discovering truth is always worth it.
May our loving heavenly Father bless us, encourage us and lead us safely along the path he wants us to walk with him.
Peter O
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So glad my google search lead me to your wonderful article. So much more evidence related to what I’ve been thinking for a while. It baffles me how people who claim to be followers of Christ completely ignore this command from Jesus to be “humble” and worship leaders who are so very very far from being gentle, kind, mild, considerate, forgiving, generous and humane. In Matthew 23, Jesus says something to the effect that those who humble themselves will be exalted, and those who exalt themselves will be humbled. I trust his words are true! Thank you for what you do.
Glad to be of service. Thank you.
Peter O
Thank you so much for your article. I wanted to know what Jesus meant when He said He was humble. We use words all the time and assume that we know what they mean when we don’t. You taught me.
You are very welcome.
Thank you for your encouragement. Only a few words, but they came at a time when I needed to hear them. Bless you.
Thanks again.
Peter O
BRO when in the bible does Jesus say I AM HUMBLE. I can’t find it anywhere and I don’t feel like reading the whole bible again. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME>
Hello HL
There are two NT Greek words that may be translated “humble” in our modern English bibles: “praus” and “tapeinos”. They have different meanings. “praus” may also be translated “meek”, “gentle”, or “lowly” (for example “Blessed are the meek” (Matthew 5:5). “tapeinos” may be translated “low” (in the sense of being low in social standing), “poor”, or even “depressed”.
To answer your question, probably the best example of Jesus’ describing himself as humble would be Matthew 11:29, where he actually uses both these words about himself, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle (praus) and lowly (tapeinos) in heart…” (ESV). Different translations use different English words in this verse. “praus” is translated “gentle” in the ESV, NIV, NRS, RSV and “meek” in the KJV. “tapeinos” is translated “lowly” in the ESV, KJV and RSV, and “humble” in the NIV and NRS.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your comment.
Peter O
Good teaching. God Bless your ministry.
As totally incompetent and unprepared as I am, it still looks like I might be the best person actually available for this jpb / role. ????…….yeeeowwww. Here we go !
…..Moses ?
Yes Pete. I see humility as being at peace with the fact that we are of, and shall soon return to earth.
And one way to know that somebody is humble is to observe that they do not need to claim it.