If you believe that every word in our Bibles is fully inspired by God and there are no errors or contradictions in our Bibles, and you do not want to have those beliefs challenged, you may not want to read the articles in this category.
If you do read them, and disagree with what I say, please pray about what you’ve read. Then do your own research or talk to someone you know who has studied these things and ask them what they think. (Someone who has studied New Testament Greek will probably be most helpful.)
Then I’d like you to get back to me with your thoughts. Please leave a comment here or email me. peter@followtheteachingsofjesus.com
I’m just a fallible human being, trying to serve our loving heavenly Father. I could be wrong.
God bless you.
Jesus is Lord!
Peter O
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Dear Peter … you are such a breath of fresh air.
In my youth, as an earnest young Christian, I was exorcised by elders and members of my “Bible-believing” church to rid me of the “demon of doubt” that had led me to ask several of the exact questions about the Bible that you raise and address here.
Well, they’ve failed dismally to drive the demon out of me, but they succeeded eminently in unleashing a massive backlash of intellectual tenacity and furious rebellion in me that eventually drove out the God-monster that their Biblicism had cornered me and them into believing in.
Their Bible was for them, I think, an idol, as dead as Baal, but virtually deified out of a desperate thirst for certainty, power and authority. I’ll be eternally grateful that after a long, grueling extrication, I eventually walked free from that idolatry and became a joyful atheist in relation to its god. As for the God of Jesus, well that’s another question entirely. You and I might have a joyful conversation about that one day.
Bless you mate.
Thanks Michael. I look forward to that joyful conversation.
I love the lesson I’ve learned from reading the Bible. However,
to take every word literally would be foolish.