These are links to groups I have found useful, helpful or encouraging. Of course, I don’t necessarily agree with every opinion expressed on these sites.
Patheos is a non-denominational, non-partisan, online media company providing information and commentary from a variety of religious and nonreligious perspectives. Lots of interesting stuff.
Becky Howe I really like Becky’s stuff.
Red-Letter Christians is a non-denominational movement which started when a group of Christians felt strongly that Western Christianity had lost its focus on Jesus. Not surprisingly, “Red-Letter” refers to Jesus’ words in the New Testament which are written in red ink in some Bibles.
Heresy After Hours. A Facebook group. A very broad collection of people addressing a very broad range of issues. The group has a particular focus on those who are re-examining their faith.
Jesus Unchained ~ Deconstruct From Dead Religion Without Losing Your Faith I really like this group, and its admins. A Facebook Group for those who are re-examining their faith.
Inclusive Progressive Christians. A Facebook Group. The name says it.
Progressive Christian Mysticism. A Facebook Group; “a venue where persons who are enamored by the progressive and mystical vision of spirituality can interact”.