It is a wonderful thing to see a small child running to someone they trust, looking forward to being picked up and carried. The moment the child allows their feet to leave the ground they completely surrender their safety and security to the one who is holding them. As we get older it becomes more difficult to trust others, but Jesus reminds us that he wants us to be like small children. We, his children, need to learn to take our feet off the ground and trust our heavenly Father to look after us.
Taking your feet off the ground is a risky thing to do, but the child doesn’t think about that. The child has no difficulty in taking their feet off the ground because they trust the person who is holding them. The child trusts because experience has taught them that they are safe when that person is holding them.
We learn to trust a person over time. Even small children don’t trust someone they have only just met. We get to know a person slowly. We learn that we can trust them a bit, so we trust them a bit more. This is how we come to know that we can trust our heavenly Father. We learn that we can trust him a bit, so we trust him a bit more. The more we trust him the more confident we become that we can trust him more.
Taking my feet off the ground is also a risky thing to do because I am no longer in control of the direction in which I am going, or of my destination. I trust that the one who is carrying me knows where they are going and will look after me.
My favorite image of our Father is found in Isaiah 40:11
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”
Our Father picks us up and carries us in his arms, close to his heart. We can trust him completely and he wants us to trust him completely. We will be safe and secure if we don’t struggle. We will be safe and secure if we trust him completely.
We will be safe and secure if we trust him.
May our loving, heavenly Father bless us, keep us safe, and teach us what it means to trust him.
Jesus is Lord.
Peter O
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