Hello Jesus didn’t call his followers Christians. The word “Christian” didn’t exist in Jesus’ time and didn’t come into use until a long time after he physically left our planet. So, Jesus didn’t say anything about being a Christian. But a Christian is someone who follows Jesus; and Jesus had a lot to say about […]
Following Jesus is simple and easy. He said so.
Hello Following Jesus is not difficult or complicated. Listen to his words: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke […]
What does Jesus want his followers to do?
Hello Jesus told his disciples to make new disciples and teach them to obey his commands (Matthew 28:20). He also said that if we obey his commands, we will live in his love (John 15:10). So, obeying Jesus’ commands is important. Good News! Although some of Jesus’ teachings are difficult to understand, his commands are […]
What did Jesus say I must believe?
Hello Words change their meaning over time in any language. The English word “believe” used to have a much stronger meaning than it does today. It used to mean “be committed to” or “trust”. Now it simply means you think something exists or is true. Occasionally we still hear “believe” being used in its older, […]
“You have one teacher, the Christ”
Hello Many years ago, some words of Jesus jumped off the page of my Bible and hit me in the head. (I’m sure many sisters and brothers reading this will have had similar experiences). The words that hit me were “You have one teacher; the Christ” (Matthew 23:10). Just two verses before, Jesus says the […]